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CR3000A is computer system(same as EPS708 system), it have common rail data inside. lt cantest 6 pcs injector at same time. lt show the delivery oil by measuring glass.CR3000A common rail diesel fuel injector pump diagnostic test bench is our latest independentresearched special device to test the performance of common rail pump and injector . it iscontinuous fuel delivery analysis computerised measuring system for conventional and new dieselinjection systems. The electronic fuel delivery measuring svstem i

Name:CR3000A Common Rail Test Bench (Glass Tube)
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CR3000A is computer system(same as EPS708 system), it have common rail data inside. lt cantest 6 pcs injector at same time. lt show the delivery oil by measuring glass.CR3000A common rail diesel fuel injector pump diagnostic test bench is our latest independentresearched special device to test the performance of common rail pump and injector . it iscontinuous fuel delivery analysis computerised measuring system for conventional and new dieselinjection systems. The electronic fuel delivery measuring svstem is compulsory for modern dieseinjection system guarantees a high level of reproductivity of the measured value.